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Yarning Circle Three: Leading and Learning Together

1 May 2023

The third yarning circle looks at the importance of having strong and deadly connections between your child, family and community.  We talk about why parents and carers should be seen as experts of their children and family.  This yarn explores how health care professionals can and will give advice to support your child’s development, but it is you who knows them best. Yarning about what is important to you, your child, and your family, can help you make decisions about the direction you want your life to go.

Strong and deadly connections with your child and family are most important to development, health, and wellbeing. All children have unique personalities and behaviours and ways of communicating and every time you engage with your child you are learning new dance steps and they lead the dance. It is important that parents and caregivers allow children time and space so they can learn about their child, let their child lead the dance and develop a strong and deadly connection with them.  The connections and interactions you have with your child help you to learn and lead together.